
Washing Cloth Diapers

This page was created as a starting point to wash cloth diapers.  I am asked so often about my entire process- what I use, how it goes, and the most terrifying part- how to wash. My advice to pick out a diaper is to check out the options in person and talk out how they each work and advantages.  As for washing- I say get some basic ingredients and start trying. You will develop a system as you go. It will reveal itself and seem easy after a few times.

Let’s be real- cloth diapering is awesome and intimidating. I make it as easy, cheap and good for the environment as possible. Here is my system:

I use a liner. It removes much of the poop and keeps the diapers looking a little cleaner. This second baby is doing a number on these diapers- her poop is staining way more then my first. And I am eating less spice, go figure.

Buckets. Are key to my washing system. I have two sizes- one by the changing table that I use to hold soiled diapers. I then use that bucket to rinse before transferring to the soak bucket. Holding bucket is small- I found it in the painting section of a hardware store. The Soak bucket is larger- I found it in a tall stack at a hardware store. These buckets I clean with a home made vinegar spray.

Diaper Cream. It is important that it does not contain petroleum. I make mine and use it for all sorts of dry skin needs for my baby, toddler and myself.

DAY 1: After a day and bucket full of wet/soiled cloth diapers I go to the sink.

STEP 1: RINSE. Put in new clean bucket to soak for 24 hours.

STEP 2: Add to the soak bucket:

  • water- enough to cover and space to swish around
  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 1/8-1/4 cup vinegar

DAY 2: I add next round of diapers to the soak bucket. Swish around, walk away for 10 minutes OR go straight to:

STEP 1: WRING OUT and put in washer (I have a front load)

STEP 2: ADD to washer:

  • 1/8 cup laundry detergent (Kirkland Heavy-Duty Laundry Detergent Super Concentrate)
  • 1/8  cup baking soda (I throw it on top of the diapers)
  • 1/8 cup vinegar (I put it in the fabric softener section of my washer so it is an after rinse.)

STEP 3: Run washer super dirty cycle, cold water

STEP 4: Hang on dry rack to dry (In the winter it adds moisture to the air, yippi!) In the summer I have to put a fan on it to dry- I live in a very humid conditions.)

**ALL measurements are estimates and vary due to trial and error. If the diapers are super dirty I will add more, sometimes I forget to add something. Occasionally I add extra or swish the diapers around in the water when I walk past them. I have nothing but LOVE for my diapers and have found that they are actually fairly easy to keep clean.

**Note on dryers:, I did not have a dryer the first 2 years of cloth diapering. Now I do, I am currently not using it. If a stain is left over (way more common with my second baby!) it is more likely to set in instead of come out the next time around.

Please remember- no two babies are the same. And their diapering is different.

Recipes, demonstrations and support are always available. Text me.